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    The signing authors have contributed to the conception, realization and development of the research, as well as to the obtaining of the data and the interpretation of the results. They have also contributed to the drafting and revision of the manuscript. All signing authors approved the final version and agree to its publication. No author has been omitted.
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Diseña publishes original and unpublished works. The writings and images are the sole responsibility of the signing author.


Citation and References

For the elaboration of bibliographic references, the authors must follow the norms established in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Manual, Seventh Edition).




Includes articles that discuss unpublished research.

Maximum number of words: 4,000.


Download the guidelines original research articles



It includes contributions that account for the state of the art of a theme.

Maximum number of words: 4,000.


Download the  guidelines for review articles



It welcomes visual contributions, visual outputs from research aimed at producing visual materials, or contributions experimenting with visual forms of disseminating knowledge.

For publication, more-than-textual contributions must be complemented with editorial text, containing an abstract and a list of references (APA 7°).

Maximum number of words: 2,000.


Please see the publication Guidelines for projects



Carried out by the guest editors to academics, professionals, or researchers.

Maximum words: 3,500.



It consists of a critical review of outstanding projects. Those projects that arise from some novel methodological approaches are especially welcome.

Maximum words: 2,500 words.


Download the publication Guidelines for projects


See also:


Peer review


Publication ethics and declaration of misconduct