Natural Resources in the Argentine national Constitution: The original domain question

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Estela B. Sacristán


After the 1994 constitutional amendment, the Argentine Constitution included the natural resources, and set forth the rule by which the original domain, of the natural resources located within a province, corresponds to the province. Nevertheless, 25 years after that constitutional amendment, and after hearing various academic voices, we can inquire into what was meant by that amendment. Within this framework, the possibility of equating it to that of eminent domain is analysed, especially on the bases of the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice case law and the minutes of the deliberation held within the 1994 Constituent Convention

Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Estela B. Sacristán, Universidad Católica Argentina

Abogada (UMSA, 1992), especialista en Derecho Administrativo-Económico (UCA, 1998). Doctora en Derecho (UBA, 2006). Directora ejecutiva de las Diplomaturas en Derecho Constitucional Profundizado y Especializado y Codirectora de la Diplomatura en Ambiente, Energía, Minería e Hidrocarburos (Universidad Austral). Profesora de Derecho Administrativo (Universidad Católica Argentina). Dirección Postal: Av. Callao 1243, 2º, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Correo electrónico: