Regulation of electricity self-consumption in Chile and Spain: a comparative perspective Autoconsumo

Main Article Content

Jorge Galán Sosa


The aim of the present work is to conduct a comparative law study on the regulation of the electricity selfconsumption in the legal systems of Chile and Spain, considering three categories of analysis related to the main administrative and economic aspects of this activity: (i) subjective scope, (ii) charges, tolls and taxes and (iii) remuneration of surplus energy.




Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Jorge Galán Sosa

Licenciado en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, Máster en Derecho Constitucional Europeo y doctorando en Derecho de la energía (Universidad CEU-San Pablo). Correo electrónico: