The jurisdictional nature of the Panel of Expertos of the electric industry and impugnability of its decisions

Main Article Content

Esteban Cañas Ortega


This paper presents, in first place, the characteristics, powers and  functions of the electric sector’s Experts Panel as as an specialized dispute resolutions organ, to then,  confirm its Republic court nature and  with the consequences that would take this for both the same organ and litigants. Furthermore, it pronounces about the feature  of  unchallengeable of its decisions and whether this is compatible with the principles  that are underlying in our  current  system or not.

Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Esteban Cañas Ortega, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Licenciado en Derecho de la Pontificia U. Católica de Chile, investigador del Programa de Derecho Administrativo Económico de la Facultad de Derecho de la misma casa de estudios. Correo electrónico: