2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Dra. Rayén Condeza Dall'Orso (Editora en jefe) y Dr. William Porath (Editor en Jefe Subrogante) Open Journal Systems <p><em> </em>es una revista científica, cuyos artículos son sometidos a doble evaluación ciega de pares (<em>double-blind peer review</em>), que publica investigaciones sobre comunicación mediada en Iberoamérica. Busca difundir teorías, evidencia empírica y desarrollos metodológicos respecto de los medios, prácticas profesionales, audiencias, instituciones, tecnologías, y los efectos de la comunicación en lo social, político, económico y cultural. Abarca el periodismo, la comunicación institucional, audiovisual, multimedial y la publicidad. Está orientada a académicos, investigadores, comunicadores y profesionales interesados en la comunicación y los medios en Iberoamérica.</p> <p>Es una publicación disciplinar y multidisciplinar editada cuatrimestralmente (enero, mayo y septiembre) por la Facultad de Comunicaciones de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Fundada en 1984 bajo el título Cuadernos de Información, en 2013 se convirtió en <em></em>, para reflejar su nueva identidad como revista íntegramente científica. Publica trabajos en español, inglés y portugués, y posee versión impresa y electrónica (<a href=""></a>).</p> <p><em></em> es una revista de acceso abierto (<em>open access</em>) que oferta su producción de forma íntegra online para toda la comunidad científica. Asimismo, no establece ningún cobro durante todo el proceso editorial para la publicación de los artículos, incluyendo la revisión científica y la maquetación de los mismos.</p> Fomentar la ciudadanía activa: el rol de Facebook en el compromiso cívico de los jóvenes 2023-08-03T12:09:13-04:00 Juan Diego Borrero Encarna Borrero-Domínguez <div><span lang="ES">Las plataformas de medios sociales (PMS) han revolucionado las redes sociales al facilitar las conexiones y configurar el panorama de las interacciones sociales. Su rol en la participación ciudadana actual, tanto en línea como fuera de ella, es innegable. Sin embargo, para comprender las creencias que impulsan a los jóvenes a utilizar las PMS populares como Facebook para el compromiso cívico, se deben considerar nuevas perspectivas. Este estudio amplía la teoría unificada de la aceptación y el uso de la tecnología (UTAUT) realizando una encuesta entre 209 estudiantes universitarios que utilizan Facebook de forma activa. Nuestros resultados muestran que tanto la expectativa como la influencia social influyen significativamente en la intención de los estudiantes de utilizar Facebook para el compromiso cívico. Asimismo, identificamos los esfuerzos de movilización de Facebook mediante teléfonos inteligentes como un sólido predictor tanto de la intención como del uso de Facebook para el compromiso cívico. Estos resultados indican que Facebook es una valiosa herramienta para que los jóvenes se comprometan y participen en movimientos sociales y políticos en Internet. Aun reconociendo las limitaciones de este estudio, nuestro análisis subraya el inmenso potencial de las PMS como medios para la participación política. </span></div> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Twitch as a political communication tool: analysis of potentialities 2023-07-21T13:18:20-04:00 Núria Roca-Trenchs Alexandre López-Borrull Ferran Lalueza <p>The digital platform ecosystem has a mix of new players, innovations, and trends. To this must be added an increase in political disaffection, polarization, and disinformation. Twitch was created to entertain; here, we study its use for political communication, positing whether it can reach specific age segments, such as young people. The study presents an exploratory analysis of the Twitch profiles of the main political parties of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, specifically, PSOE and VOX, the only ones with a presence on that network. Profiles of Spanish, European and international political representatives and parties are also explored to broaden the scope of the analysis. Among the advantages are modernity, loyalty capacity, the potential to reach new voters in times of polarization, and the possibility to monetize content to fund campaigns. Challenges include the need to experiment with new formats, the increase of politainment, the need to create own narratives, and the opportunity to create new channels or increase the presence in existing ones. Twitch can contribute to the rapprochement between the political class and the citizenry, especially in young segments, more distant from politics. Trying out new proposals and rhetoric of proximity, connecting directly and persuasively with the most elusive audience and breaking the most inoperative polarizations may be some of the benefits derived from using Twitch due to its characteristics: livestream hegemony , interaction, engagement, loyalty, low advertising saturation, and a young audience.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diplomacia digital sudamericana: enfoques antes y después de la crisis ruso-ucraniana 2023-10-08T21:52:10-03:00 Tănase Tasențe Mari-Isabella Stan <p>En la era digital, la diplomacia fusiona métodos tradicionales con herramientas como las redes sociales. La diplomacia electrónica promueve el diálogo global, pero la desinformación es un obstáculo. Este estudio evaluó las reacciones en Twitter de 11 líderes sudamericanos ante la agresión rusa a Ucrania en 2022. Utilizando Fanpagekarma y RStudio, se analizaron los tuits de febrero a abril de 2022 para determinar el sentimiento y la participación. Las respuestas variaron: Maduro apoyó a Rusia, Fernández abogó por la paz, Lasso y da Silva parecían neutrales, Alí y Benítez guardaron silencio, Castillo se centró en Ucrania, Chile defendió el derecho internacional, Brasil se mostró neutral, y Perú salvaguardó a su pueblo. La diplomacia en línea de América del Sur refleja diversas respuestas a las acciones de Rusia.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 YouTube as a platform for the exercise of cyber journalism: a case study of the Cuban media Escambray and Invasor 2023-08-01T10:32:14-04:00 Samuel Ernesto Viamontes-Sardiña Grettel Rodríguez-Bazán <p class="abstract-text-21-portadilla"><span lang="EN-US">Assessing YouTube audiovisual cyber journalism by Cuban state-owned media shows the methodological and practical limitations of working on the platform within the national media ecosystem. This research analyzes the audiovisual content published on YouTube by the cybermedia </span><em><span class="italic2-contenido"><span lang="EN-US">Escambray</span></span></em><span lang="EN-US"> and </span><em><span class="italic2-contenido"><span lang="EN-US">Invasor</span></span></em><span lang="EN-US"> during the first semester of 2022. From a mixed approach and with qualitative content analysis as a fundamental method, 64 videos from the channels of both media are studied considering the models of production and distribution of content and the Internet codes of audiovisual language. The results allow identifying deficiencies in the production mechanisms and in the use of audiovisual language elements that favor the exercise of effective journalism from the YouTube channels of the analyzed media. The main conclusions show the need for Cuban media to rethink the ways of performing cyber journalism on YouTube; this, from a characterization that has deficiencies in the ways of realization and use of the platform's resources in times when access to the Internet and digital sites by Cuban citizens is growing. Giving greater priority and autonomy to digital newsrooms, being more effective in the distribution of content, and using the tools of cyber journalistic discourse with greater intentionality are transcendental to achieve this goal.</span></p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The diffusion of transmedia news and the expansion of the informative prosumer: between transmedia journalism, multiplatform, and crossmedia 2023-09-11T17:19:20-03:00 Víctor Hugo Garcés Angela Patricia Mendieta-Briceño <p>In recent years, the logic of transmedia storytelling has been applied to journalism, opening up a new practical field that has fostered the growing interest in analyzing transmedia news. However, few studies have focused on identifying how, on the one hand, journalistic franchises use multiplatform, transmedia, and crossmedia to disseminate reporting, simultaneously that, on the other hand, the reading itineraries of audiences and the user-produced content shape, reframe and remix these contents. The aim of this research was to find out how do media and platforms behave and interact with transmedia reading and user-generated content in a news story disseminated on a daily basis in order to reconstruct and resignify the meaning of the event. Based on a mixed method, combining statistics with virtual ethnography and documentary review, a case study was analyzed, a significant example of transmedia reporting considered as a whole with its context of expansion and participatory growth. In the results, it can be observed how the mass distribution of the medium branches out and simultaneously spreads across the platforms, to be experienced by audiences and resignified by the prosumer.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Transparency via podcasting: journalistic strategy in search of authority 2023-08-30T09:52:36-04:00 Miguel Angel Sánchez de la Nieta Alicia Trelles-Villanueva Vicente Lozano <p>Covering an emergency such as the war in Ukraine is a challenge for the media and for the journalistic profession. The threats of disinformation and propaganda inherent to this type of war coverage are added to a difficult economic environment for the journalistic enterprise and a crisis of credibility and identity of the professional journalist. At a time of changing habits in the consumption of information by audiences, this research analyzes the podcasting strategies of the two main Spanish newspapers (El País and El Mundo), applied to information on Ukraine, and asks to what extent the exercise of transparency proposed in the podcasts Hoy en El País and El Mundo al día can cooperate in restoring the credibility of journalism.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 COVID-19 and the fight against misinformation: the experience of Consórcio de Veículos de Imprensa in Brazil 2023-08-22T13:21:09-04:00 Vitória Peraça Ferreira Rogério Christofoletti <p>The COVID-19 pandemic threatened the survival of populations, especially in peripheral countries, with unstable public policies and inadequate health systems. In Latin America, the risks of contagion, illness and death have worsened with the rise of denial and misinformation. In Brazil, the challenge was not only to confront the epidemic in a continental territory, but also to circumvent the actions of a government unwilling to face the problem. In addition to hesitating to adopt sanitary measures and delaying the purchase of vaccines, Jair Bolsonaro's Ministry of Health acted against public transparency, making it difficult to know data about the pandemic. In June 2020, six influential media came together to create the Media outlet consortium (Consórcio de Veículos de Imprensa), a joint initiative to account for and report data on the evolution of the disease and vaccination. In this article, through interviews with the professionals involved, we reconstruct the emergence of this venture, which for almost a thousand days, was a response by Brazilian journalism to combat misinformation during the pandemic.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of information consumption and credibility among Chilean Journalism students 2023-08-11T14:34:35-04:00 Guillermo Bustamante-Pavez Gonzalo Espinoza-Bianchini Daniela Lazcano-Peña Isabel Pavez <p>This study examines the information practices of Chilean university students in a politically polarized context characterized by misinformation and information fatigue. It focuses primarily on Journalism students who, due to their academic training, should have the necessary tools to confront situations of information disorder. To this end, the relationship between the concept of information credibility and the field of study of Chilean university students is analyzed through a survey (n=338). The main objective is to delve into the study of information behavior and media literacy competencies of university students. The results show that Journalism students do not display a higher level of credibility toward the news than students of other disciplines. Additionally, the participants' political identity and engagement are unrelated to information credibility.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Representation of cancer incidence and mortality in the Spanish press 2023-09-07T09:47:24-03:00 Noelia Zurro-Antón Luis Cárcamo-Ulloa Angeles Moreno <p>Cancer is the leading cause of death worlwide and the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Spain. In emergencies and health crises, the media provide information that can condition public perception and help specialized broadcasters to communicate strategically, to ensure disease prevention and containment. The main objective of this article is to observe whether the Spanish written press, in its selection of news about cancer, reflects a preponderance of those types of cancer with higher incidence and mortality rates. We used content analysis and latent topic assignment (LDA) to study 1,371 cancer news items published between April 2022 and March 2023 in the three conventional newspapers with the highest weekly online reach, El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia. Some cancers are over-represented in the media, such as leukemia and brain cancer, while other cancers with higher incidence and mortality rates, such as colorectal and prostate cancer, are under-represented. Skin cancer is mentioned in only 4% of the publications and is under-represented, considering that it is also a cancer with epidemiological status. The results are in line with previous Ibero-American studies and confirm the only study on media coverage of skin cancer in Spain. With the exception of breast and lung cancer, there is no general correspondence between the incidence and mortality of the main cancers and their media coverage, which may have implications for the prevention and control of these diseases.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Effects of feminist self-identification on femvertising strategy in Mexico 2023-08-17T12:43:42-04:00 Atziri Martínez-Aguirre Judith Cavazos-Arroyo María Victoria Carrillo-Durán Fernando Rey Castillo-Villar <div> <div> <p class="abstract-text-21-portadilla"><span lang="EN-US">In recent years, advertising that communicates women´s empowerment and aims to eliminate gender stereotypes (femvertising) has become more important for several companies to target and appeal to female audiences. This purpose of study is twofold: first, to analyze the impact of feminist self-identification on the trust and congruence of the femvertising brand. Second, to examine the impact of trust and congruence in femvertising on attitudes toward femvertising and its subsequent impact on brand purchase intent. A quantitative, explanatory, cross-sectional study was conducted among 401 female Millenial consumers of a bottled water brand that engages in femvertising as part of its promotional communication. Structural equation analysis results show that feminist self-identification negatively affects brand trust and perceived congruence of femvertising advertising. However, brand trust and perceived congruence have a positive impact on attitudes towards femvertising, which in turn has a positive impact on purchase intention. More research still needed in the field of femvertising to develop more effective communication strategies for this target group.</span></p> </div> </div> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Micro-influencers: perception on the relationship with followers and commercial actions that increase their involvement 2023-07-05T10:35:36-04:00 Erika Fernández-Gómez Jessica Fernández-Vázquez Begoña Gutiérrez-Martínez Alba López-Bolás <div> <div> <p class="abstract-text-21-portadilla"><span lang="EN-US">Influencers are a key part of the advertising industry. Among them, those with less than 100,000 followers achieve an excellent level of engagement by building a closer and more credible relationship with their audience. As part of this study, 290 micro-influencers were surveyed about their relationship with their followers, as well as the commercial actions they can take to increase interaction. The results show that small communities are indeed useful for brands. Thus, according to the surveyed opinion, micro-influencers’ followers share their concerns and preferences; they accept and positively evaluate the commercial content they publish, and they are aware that brands give away the products or services they talk about in their content. Furthermore, there is no consensus that more followers make their work more complex, and they believe that there are areas where it is easier to create digital content. Finally, from their point of view, the commercial formats that achieve the best engagement are the audiovisual ones in which the product appears, as well as those that allow interaction, such as the question-answer formula.</span></p> </div> </div> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Brands as Social Metaphors: An Application Using Correspondence Analysis 2023-10-13T10:32:58-03:00 Sebastián Goldsack-Trebilcock Francisco Tagle Cristian Buzeta <p>This research aims to explore a methodology for understanding the relationship between specific objects of interest (such as countries and geographical units/regions) and brands to facilitate the discussion of the meaning of specific brands for individuals situated in a determined context and culture. Using a cross-sectional quantitative design, we studied spontaneous brand associations with five geographical units of interest using an online questionnaire in Spanish, sent to a convenience sample of adult Internet users in Chile (n=78) through direct email invitations and personal contacts in professional social networks. Based on a correspondence analysis, the results show a clustering of brands into four main clusters, which allows us to demonstrate a correlation with the cultural, economic, and social transformations that Chile has endured. This study provides evidence that brands are not innocuous, but that behind them and their consumption, lie symbols and signs that evoke and promote, explicitly and implicitly, cultural and social associations and patterns.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Comunicación RSC e industrias estigmatizadas: ¿La Inclusión y la diversidad se convierten en un medio para mitigar el estigma? Seis décadas de revisión de la literatura 2023-10-05T09:42:51-03:00 Juan Manuel Alonso Laura Illia Belén Rodríguez-Cánovas <p>Este trabajo busca presentar una revisión en profundidad de la literatura bajo el prisma de tres disciplinas: comunicación de responsabilidad social corporativa (en adelante, RSC), empresas estigmatizadas y diversidad e inclusión (D&amp;I). Dicha revisión está respaldada por un software de mapeo bibliométrico, SciMAT, desarrollado por Cobo y sus colegas (2011), miembros de la Universidad de Granada, España. Se ha examinado un total de 8942 artículos sobre los tres temas entre 1963 y 2022, publicados en 98 revistas líderes indexadas en el Journal Citation Reports de Web of Science. Se ha utilizado el software antes mencionado para identificar los estudios relevantes y centrarse en un segundo escrutinio individual cualitativo en profundidad. Los hallazgos sugieren que aún no se ha analizado el uso de D&amp;I para mitigar el estigma organizacional, y que todavía es necesario evaluar la hipótesis de que las empresas estigmatizadas pueden usar la comunicación de RSC y D&amp;I para mitigar su estigma. Asimismo, se indica cómo futuros estudios pueden encontrar que las empresas estigmatizadas utilizan D&amp;I para gestionar su estigma a través de la comunicación de RSC, y que la disciplina D&amp;I se vería afectada por esta práctica pues significaría que la D&amp;I se utiliza instrumentalmente de una manera diferente a la que se supone.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lost in translation: virtual parties from pandemic times 2023-08-25T13:43:17-04:00 María Mercedes Zerega-Garaycoa Héctor Bujanda Mabel Valeria González-Cogliano Alberto López-Navarrete <p>The COVID-19 pandemic led young people to use digital platforms such as Zoom to maintain relationships and celebrate events, transforming online parties and sociability. This study focuses on analyzing youth virtual parties as onlife experiences during and after the pandemic, exploring the challenges of mediating social aspects into digital environments and their implications for human interactions. This qualitative research is based on a digital ethnography of social gatherings or parties organized digitally, based on interviews with young university students from Guayaquil during the first stage of the pandemic lockdown (2020) and almost two years later, in post-pandemic (2022). The results show that, unlike work and study, which have adapted to virtuality, the party is difficult to translate to the logic of the screens, so the bodies have returned to the spaces where they had known how to resonate together. The research leaves open questions regarding the displacement of meaning and the use of platforms to explore the modalities of linking ourselves to others in the future.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Social networks and their influence on tourist destination decisions 2023-08-11T12:01:11-04:00 Omar Millán <div> <div> <p class="abstract-text-1-31-portadilla"><span lang="EN-US">The business model of tourist sites has evolved and the information and communication technologies tools have become a cornerstone of the current model, where companies, and users or tourists converge. In this scenario, the web plays a crucial role: through it, third party observations and ratings become an element that generates a degree of influence that affects the decision of users of tourist sites. This study aims to determine precisely the degree of impact of the independent variables –number of observations and ratings by third parties– on elements or dependent variables, such as attention to the site, information and probability of booking, all mediated by the concept of susceptibility or impact of the perception of the influence of third parties. The methodological process implemented includes an initial exploratory sampling to determine and validate the levels of the independent variables and the design of the tourism offers, in addition to convenience sampling and the use of a factorial model of experiment design. It is concluded that the volume of observations issued by third parties, as well as the evaluations it reflects, constitutes a preponderant factor when deciding on a tourist site, and that the role of susceptibility directly affects the user's needs in terms of information requirements, attention, and influences the probability of booking the tourist site. </span></p> </div> </div> 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The influence of social networks and digital technologies on scientific production in communication continues to grow 2023-12-22T14:33:30-03:00 William Porath 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Árbitros del último número 2024-01-03T13:38:27-03:00 2024-01-18T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024