Masonry mortar design incorporating crushed recycled glass


  • S. Muñoz Señor de Sipan University
  • S. Mendoza Universidad Señor de Sipan, Chiclayo



Masonry, crushed glass, mortar fluidity, mechanical properties


Mortar is considered one of the construction materials in great demand in the world, obtaining materials for its preparation require the exploitation of a large part of renewable and nonrenewable resources. In order to dissipate the consumption of natural aggregates, the reuse of different materials that are normally discarded has been studied; glass is an important option for the preparation of mortar. Therefore, the objective of the present investigation was to design a mortar for masonry incorporating crushed glass. The mixing design was made for dosages of 1: 3.5, 1: 4, 1: 5 and 1: 6 with substitution of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of fine aggregate by crushed glass; tested at the age of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The fluidity of the mortar in fresh state and the mechanical properties such as the resistance to compression and bending of the mortar, resistance to adhesion by bending in masonry piles, resistance to axial compression of piles and resistance to diagonal compression in walls were evaluated. of bricklayer. The highest resistance was obtained for the dosage of 1: 3.5 with 30% as the optimum percentage of substitution, reaching a higher
resistance compared to the standard mortar; for the dosage of 1: 4 the optimum percentage was 25%; for 1: 5 it was determined with 20%; and finally, 10% was obtained as the best percentage for the 1: 6 dosages. From these values it was determined that, once the optimal percentages were reached, the strength of the mortar decreases as the substitution increases. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the crushed glass significantly influences the mortar properties.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, S. ., & Mendoza, S. (2022). Masonry mortar design incorporating crushed recycled glass. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 37(3).



Original Research