«Poetic Life» and «Nymphal Life». The importance of Art in the early Development of Agambenian Concept of "Life"

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Paula Fleisner


 This article examines some of the figures of «Life» that are outlined in Giorgio Agamben’s Aesthetics. Far from being the exclusive prerogative of his later Political Philosophy, even his early Philosophy of Art contains a Thought about «Life» and a critique of the modern concept of «Subject» that will provide a framework for that. Under this hypothesis, we examine first the project of a intermediary «Science» between Criticism and Poetry, as formulated in Stanze. La Parola e il fantasma nella cultura occidentale. It’s evaluated, secondly, both the critique of Humanism and the critique of modern construction of Subjectivity ‑developed from the analysis of Modern Poetry. Finally, we present a reading of his texts on Aby Warburg in order to account for an original concept of «Historic Life». 


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Paula Fleisner

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina pfleisner@gmail.com