Residents, conservation, development and tourism in Galapagos


  • Paula Michelle Moya Mosquera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Andrea Muñoz-Barriga Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


impactos, percepciones, residentes, actitudes, Galápagos


Tourism from its initial stage generates socio-environmental impacts in the receiving place and it is important to analyze them to determine the situation in which a destination is found. This research analyzes the perceptions of residents regarding the tourist activity in Puerto Ayora – Galapagos, taking into account environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political factors that may influence the attitudes of residents and the potential involvement of said factors in tourism planning and development. Surveys directed at residents were applied in order to collect quantitative information, which was complemented by semi – structured interviews directed at people who work in tourism. The results of this study suggest that perceptions towards tourism change significantly depending on the degree of local development and the use of tourist resources by residents. Among them it is highlighted that tourism is perceived as beneficial mainly when it increases employment opportunities and economic income. On the other hand, perceptions turn negative when residents are dissatisfied with tourism planning, when migration increases due to the resources obtained, when pollution is generated by activity and when income is not divides equally


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How to Cite

Moya Mosquera, P. M., & Muñoz-Barriga, A. . (2022). Residents, conservation, development and tourism in Galapagos. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (83). Retrieved from


