The effect of productive specialization on sectoral growth

analysis of the forestry and agricultural sector in the regions of Chile


  • Cristian Colther Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Sergio Soza-Amigo Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Guillermo Manquelipe Universidad de Talca


sectoral growth, specialization coefficient, shift & share method, forestry and agricultural sector, econometric model


This paper has analyzed the degree of specialization that the Chilean regions in the forestry and agricultural sector during the period 2005-2015. For this purpose, data from companies belonging to the sector has been used and a methodology is proposed that combines various tools of the regional economy to measure the degree of specialization and similarities between regions, and the econometric model of panel data to determine if the specialization degree affects the level of production in the sector. From the analysis it was possible to determine that there are differences between regions in terms of specialization degree on the sector, identifying a typology of four regions: regions that present a relevant role at the national level; regions that have achieved a high degree of specialization in the sector, but with a diversified economy; regions that present an emerging participation; and regions with a marginal participation in the sector, highlighting the regions of O'Higgins, Maule, Araucanía and Los Ríos for their high degree of specialization. The conclusion is that the degree of specialization in the sector affects the growth of the sector's GDP at the regional level. This information can be used to design decentralized sectoral public policies that take into account regional differences and are capable of adapting to the degree of specialization of Chile's regions.



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How to Cite

Colther, C., Soza-Amigo, S., & Manquelipe, G. (2022). The effect of productive specialization on sectoral growth: analysis of the forestry and agricultural sector in the regions of Chile . Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (84). Retrieved from


