The comparison of maps and the use of orthogonal polynomials in trend surface analysis orthogonal polynomials in trend surface analysis: an example applied to Chile




map comparison, use of polynomials, trend analysis


Many branches of Geography waste a great deal of time and effort making map comparisons. Thus, such comparisons can include very varied topics, such as relationships between crops and precipitation levels, levels of diffusion of innovations in a region, or comparison of different cities for the purpose of regularizing their spatial development.

Map comparisons are commonly made to fulfill two purposes: a) as a taxonomic process, in order to classify a group of similar phenomena or distributions. b) as part of research to establish whether the distribution of similar patterns is caused by similar processes.


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How to Cite

BRADSHAW, R., & SANCHEZ, A. (1984). The comparison of maps and the use of orthogonal polynomials in trend surface analysis orthogonal polynomials in trend surface analysis: an example applied to Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (11), 31–43. Retrieved from


