The Index of Masculinity in Chile, according to the 1982 Census


  • Ana Maria Errazuriz Koerner Instituto de Geografía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Geografía humana, geografía de la población, CENSO 1982 Chile, Índice masculinidad


The census of 1982 presents a manhood ratio in Chile with a regional pattern distribution very well defined: in the central regions of the country, the lowest ratio are found, and the highest are in the northern and southern regions. This pattern presents the same characteristic in the total population and in the urban and rural population; nevertheless, when urban and rural are compared, the ratio of the rural population is always the highest. Part of this pattem behaviourcan be explained by the migrations:men migrate to northern and southern regions becouse in them are better possibilities of specific work for men, or strategic reasons;women migratefrom rural placesto urban centers. The most important attraction poles for pOPulation are the Metropolitan, V, 1, XI and XII regions. The Metropolitan and V regions have a major women migration, and the others, men migration.


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BEAUJEAU-GARNIER, J.: Géographie de la Population. Ed. M. Th. Genin, Paris. 1976.
CLARKE, JOHN: Population Geography. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1968.
ERRAZURIZ K., ANA MARIA: Nueva política demográfica y características de la población chilena. En Revista Universitaria NO 5 (pp. 64-74). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, 1981.
ERRAZURIZ K. et al.: Manual de Geografía de Chile. Ed. Andrés Bello, Santiago, 1987.
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICAS (lNE): Localidades pobladas. XV Censo de Población y IV de Vivienda, abril 1982. INE, Santiago, 1985.
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICA S (INE): XV Censo de Población y IV de Vivienda, 1982. (Datos no publicados).
TREWARTHA, GLENN: Geografía de la Población. Ed. Marymar, Buenos Aires, 1973.



How to Cite

Errazuriz Koerner, A. M. (1987). The Index of Masculinity in Chile, according to the 1982 Census. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (14), 49–53. Retrieved from


