Urban development in the coast of the Province of Petorca: An approach from territorial planning instruments and the fragility of the physical and the fragility of the physical environment


  • BELISARI ANDRADE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • RODRIGO HIDALGO Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Urban development, territorial planning, environmental diversity, real estate management


The main objective of this article is to relate the urban development of the coastline of the Province of Petorca, with the geographic-physical space considerations that the current territorial planning instruments the considerations of the geographic-physical space that are ignored by the territorial planning instruments in force. The analysis showed that the environmental diversity of the coastal territory of the Province of Petorca has been a secondary factor in the zoning proposed by the The analysis showed that the environmental diversity of the coastal territory of the Province of Petorca has been a secondary factor in the zoning proposed by the current intercommunal regulatory plan, which privileges those elements linked to real estate management over the protection of the natural heritage of the coastal environment.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, B., & HIDALGO, R. (2021). Urban development in the coast of the Province of Petorca: An approach from territorial planning instruments and the fragility of the physical and the fragility of the physical environment. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 157–164. Retrieved from https://revistadelaconstruccion.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/41657


