Early forms of residential exclusion and the closed city model in Latin America. The Case of Santiago.


  • AXEL BORSDORF Academia de Ciencias Austriaca
  • RODRIGO HIDALGO D Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Gated communities, urban fragmentation, Santiago, Chile


During the last decades, Latin American cities have transformed their organizational setting and urban layout. Taking the case of Santiago (Chile) I analyze the effects triggered by the construction of material and symbolic walls surrounding new neighborhoods and housing units, exemplifying a new model of urban structure. Many authors have equated these related processes with the formation of gated communities in North America; others as a turning point to a medieval way of life. Challenging such understandings, it is also relevant to consider that tendencies toward segregation and social separation have a long tradition in Latin America. That is why new neighborhoods constructed recently, are ingrained in cultura backgrounds that must be considered and analyzed. However, researchers must not lost sight of the influences of such processes as globalization, lessen of governmental controls, de-regulation of and markets, and more flexible planning schemes. A these forces reinforce, dialectically, the process of segregation.


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How to Cite

BORSDORF, A. ., & HIDALGO D, R. (2021). Early forms of residential exclusion and the closed city model in Latin America. The Case of Santiago. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (32), 21–37. Retrieved from https://revistadelaconstruccion.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/43575


