Observation as a source of geographic knowledge


  • HERNÁN SANTIS ARENAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • MÓNICA GANGAS GEISSE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Observation, method, terrestrial space,, geographical landscape, spatial system


The most usual sources of the geographical knowledge tend be the Observation, Geographical Surveys, Spatial Analysis and Terrestrial Space or Real Space Interpretation. Here it is understood that the observation, according to the current senior approaches that use geographers, relates to the visual examination of objects, areas and spatial systems of the land surface and is sought to draw a way that make to emerge the properties of observation as source of the geographical knowledge. For case, are explored several observation forms linked to the terrestrial space notions, that geographers are reducing to geographical space and some, more accostum, they conceive as the organized space an the spatial organization. With respect to the various meanings for terrestrial space from geographical point of view, contribution lets in clear paper of the Geographer as ‘observer’, the land inhabited by human beings as ‘object’ of knowledge, and, wisely, the ‘observation’ as logic connection between the observer and what is observed.


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How to Cite

SANTIS ARENAS, H. ., & GANGAS GEISSE, M. . (2001). Observation as a source of geographic knowledge. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (28), 113–122. Retrieved from https://revistadelaconstruccion.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/46597


