El pensamiento geográfico-político de Ratzel en la geopolítica chilena


  • HERNAN SANTIS ARENAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Geopolitics, Chile, Ratzel


Seeking footsteps of Ratzel’s thought in the geopolitical contributions of Chilean authors, it is explored approaches that characterize these kind of studies in this country. In the paper are studied the military and strategic, the historial and legal,
the historical and political, the geographical and political approaches, and, finally, it is looking the practical sense and direction of that Chilean geopolitical studies. The main objetctive of the task is to detect the professor Ratzel thought in each one of theses geopolitician approaches.
In so much results and conclusion is observed that introduction of Geopolitic and reference to theorical model coming from Ratzel is absolutely contingent. This means that researchers are making their studies in function of to explain territorial and bordering controversies, previous and currents, under pressure of economic problem or under ideological nationalistic  pressure.


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How to Cite

SANTIS ARENAS, H. . (1998). El pensamiento geográfico-político de Ratzel en la geopolítica chilena. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (25), 135–140. Retrieved from https://revistadelaconstruccion.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/60399


