Implementation of total quality management (TQM) in malaysian industrialized building system (IBS) projects
Malaysia, TQM Implementation, IBS, malaysian construction industry, awareness.Abstract
Total Quality Management could be defined as a transformation in management style aimed at constantly increasing customer satisfaction via the design and improvement of organizational systems and processes. It is critical to use an industrialized building system to increase project successful implementation. Awareness of TQM advantages and its application could greatly improve project efficiency and performance. A literature search on TQM was done to determine the TQM implementation present state and level of awareness in IBS construction projects. The purpose of this study is to identify the current TQM implementation status in IBS projects and determine its level of awareness and potential benefits from the Malaysian construction stakeholders’ perception. A mixed approach was applied in this research with the participation of consultants, contractors, clients, and academicians from various construction industry public and private sectors in Malaysia. The questionnaire survey was used to conduct the study. A total of 371 questionnaires were collected, for a sample size of 265. The findings indicated that most construction organizations are unaware of the TQM approach. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient achieved from the study was (0.934), indicating that the questionnaire was reliable. The statistical analysis revealed that increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, enhanced teamwork, increased profitability, and improved safety are the most essential TQM benefits that concerned the participants. Furthermore, the results of this study provide IBS construction practitioners with significant awareness of the components that empower TQM implementation in the construction sector. This study contributes to the understanding of TQM and project performance by demonstrating their capacity to enhance the Malaysian construction sector. Additionally, it was found that the Malaysian construction industry has not achieved a high level of quality implementation programs.
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