Effect of waste oyster shell powder as additive on properties and sulfate attack resistance of mortar
Sulfate attack resistance, waste oyster shell powder, anti-sulfide bacteria effect, mortar.Abstract
In this study, the waste oyster shell powder was added in mix design to investigate the properties, sulfate attack resistance and sulfide bacterial of concrete. Add 0%, 1%, 3%, 6% and 9% oyster shell powder to the concrete to replace part of the sand. The study conducted flow tests, compressive strength tests, sulfate corrosion resistance and antibacterial tests. From the results, it was found that adding oyster shell powder improved the resistance to sulfate corrosion and antibacterial properties and became more effective as the substitution ratio increased. In addition, the sulfate attack resistance and antibacterial have a linear relationship of mortar with oyster shell powders.
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- 2024-09-06 (2)
- 2024-08-30 (1)
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