Evaluating the effective factors of BIM for enhancing the con-struction interface management
Building information modelling (BIM), interface management, BIM adoption and implementation, megaprojects, DeLone and McLean’s model.Abstract
Maintaining the proper interface management among the construction stakeholders is becoming more crucial due to the interconnected nature of construction work. Adopting and implementing building information modelling (BIM) technology can aid in the proper execution of construction projects. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to evaluate the effective factors of BIM using DeLone and McLean’s (DM) model. The DM model's factors evaluate the system or technology in terms of system quality, information quality, service quality, and most importantly, the system's net benefits and user satisfaction. The questionnaire was developed with the expert's opinion and the survey was conducted. As megaprojects have more complicated and various levels of information sharing, this study targeted collecting responses from industrial project practitioners in India. From the survey, a total of 166 responses were obtained. Using these data, the frequency test, reliability test, and the relative importance index (RII) were performed. These effective factors of BIM contribute significantly to project performance improvement through proper interface management and communication among stakeholders. The findings of the study emphasized the importance of user satisfaction and the net benefits of BIM. Thus, this study provides further insights to increase the adoption and implementation of BIM technology.
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