Numerical investigation of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams produced with self-compacting concrete
reinforced concrete beam, reinforced concrete behaviour, numerical analysis, stirrup spacing, self-compacting concrete.Abstract
In this study, 1/2 scaled 16 reinforced concrete beams were compared in terms of concrete type, concrete strength, and stirrup spacing. The variables of this study consist of self-compacting concrete and normal concrete as concrete type, C30 and C60 as concrete strength, and without stirrup, 20 cm, 10 cm and 5 cm spacing as stirrup spacing. All elements were tested with 4-point bending mechanism. The stiffness, ductility, load bearing capacity and energy consumption capacity values of the beams were obtained from the load-displacement curves acquired from the experimental study and the elements were compared over them, and the damages of the beams during the experiments were interpreted. In addition to the experimental study, the numerical analyzes of the beams were conducted with the finite element analysis software. Experimental study results were validated by finite element analysis. When all the results were examined, it was concluded that although the initial stiffness of SCC (self-compacting concrete) was less than NC (normal concrete), the ductility of SCC was higher than that of NC, especially in high strength concretes.
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