Enhancing the mechanical properties of fibre reinforced concrete using diatomaceous earth powder: fresh and hardened properties of concrete
Diatomaceous earth powder, E-waste, fibre reinforced concrete, linear regression analysis, strength properties of concrete.Abstract
This research investigated enhancing the mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced concrete using diatomaceous earth powder. A total of six mix groups were designed as M40 grade concrete according to IS: 10262 – 2019. Each mix group consisted of six mixes. The study examined the fresh and hardened properties of the fibre-reinforced concrete, including workability, Compressive Strength (CS), Split Tensile Strength (STS), Flexural Strength (FS), and Modulus of Elasticity (ME) at various ages. The first three groups incorporated Electronic waste (E-waste) fibres, added to the concrete by weight of cement (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 1%) with lengths of 30mm, 40mm, and 40mm, respectively. Additionally, diatomaceous earth powder partially replaced cement in amounts of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. Based on experimental observations, the optimum fibre content was 0.8% for group 1 and 0.6% for groups 1 & III. Similarly, the same optimum fibre content was used for groups IV-VI. Including E-waste fibres and diatomaceous earth powder enhanced the mechanical properties of the concrete. The experimental study revealed that groups I and VI performed better than the remaining mixed groups. Specifically, for group I, the CS, STS, and FS improved by 9.86%, 4.85%, and 4.96%, respectively, while for group VI, these properties improved by 8.82%, 5.60%, and 4.57%. The physical properties of concrete strength were also compared using linear regression analysis and various codes. The regression equations aligned well with the experimental test results and aided in predicting those results.
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