Teología y Vida was born in 1960 within the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. At that time, it was envisioned as a platform for the "theological dissemination" of discipline issues "of pastoral interest". It has since been consolidated with a solid scientific character. Its mentor and first director, Professor Marcos McGrath, outlined his purpose as "making the traditional and modern theology of the Church available to Catholic, secular, clergy and religious leaders". 

Over the years, Teología y Vida has become an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal that especially welcomes local and regional theological reflection, although it remains open to contributions from other geographical contexts and diverse theological perspectives in various languages (Spanish, English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese).

Its title reflects its program. Teología y Vida reflects on life and history "with a Christian mind and criteria", promoting a theological endeavor that closely links the sources of revelation in the living tradition of the Church, in dialog with other sciences, from the proper context and in ever-changing weather.

Teología y Vida publishes four volumes a year (April, July, October and January) and is reviewed and indexed on the Web of Science (Arts & Humanities Citation Index); Scopus; Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Index Theologicus; ATLA Religion Database with AtlaSerials; Dialnet; L'Année philologique; Latindex (Directory); and WorldCat.

Teología y Vida has the financial support of the UC 2022 Library Magazines Indexing Support Fund. The magazine Teología y Vida does not establish any charge (APC) during the entire editorial process for the publication of articles, including their scientific review and layout.

The abbreviation of its title is TyV (IATG3).