Authors Guidelines

The Revista de Trabajo Social is a specialized publication of the School of Social Work of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Spanish and English, considering summaries in Portuguese, with a semiannual periodicity and electronic format (http: // It is focused on topics related to the practice of social work, social issues of interest and disciplinary discussions.

The Revista de Trabajo Social incorporates four sections in each of its issues:

       1. Editorial, whose authors, recognized by the discipline, address current or avant-garde topics in each Issue.
      2. Scientific articles, with special interest being those that incorporate a mixed and/or quantitative methodology.
     3. Analysis of cases, considering interventions, projects, policies and social programs.
     4. Reviews of books, documentaries and/or audiovisual material, current and relevant to the discipline.

The presentation or sending of articles should only be done through:

On the first page of the article, all contributions must include the general information of the author(s), including: Full name; Center or department to which you are (are) employed; Academic Degrees, Institutional postal address; Email address; ORCID of each author.

The presentation format for each of the sections is as follows:

Presentation and extension of EDITORIAL

It represents the opinion, reflection, debate, collective thinking and project of the PUC School of Social Work on topics related to the disciplinary development and professional practice of social work, based on a compilation of documents (articles, analysis, reviews). Positions and introduces topics that are at the forefront of their concerns and occupations. Generally, the well-known members of the Editorial Committee are involved in this task or through invitations made by said Committee or Director of the journal to professionals specializing in the subject to be developed as an Editorial. It is expected to be interpretive, explanatory, critical or persuasive, encouraging reading the magazine. Its length is brief and captivating with respect to the content.

Maximum 1,000 words


Presentation and extension of SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES

 Articles should not reveal any evidence of the authors' identities or institutional affiliations, except where requested, according to regulations. This information is only required when submitting the article through the virtual platform, where each author of the article must be registered, in their corresponding order, plus the corresponding author.

 The texts must be presented in letter size, single spaced, in Garamond or Arial type 10 font size points, with a maximum extension of 10,000 words in the case of scientific articles (including: abstract, notes, title of figures and tables, and references). Articles must include a title, in which, with the fewest possible number of words (no more than 15 is recommended), the content of the article is adequately described. The title of the article, Abstract and Keywords must be presented in the languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese; the body of the article, in Spanish or English.

 The file must not contain any format: no indentations, spacing between paragraphs, no style sheets, special characters or other commands should be used other than those that concern the divisions and subdivisions of the article.

 An Resumen / Abstract / Resumo maximum 200 words in 3 languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) must also be included. In the case of articles in English, an extended Resumen / Abstract / Resumo will be requested, which will have 800 words, where it must refer to all sections of the article synthetically. Under the Resumen/ Abstract / Resumo, you must include the Keywords (descriptors or compound terms) minimum 3 and maximum 10 (Unesco Thesaurus,  Thesaurus IRIS or JEL, or other pertinent base, separated by (,), in the original language of the article and in English and Portuguese, for bibliographic indexing purposes. The citation system is APA (Seventh Edition, 2019).

 The Abstract it should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections.

 There will be two levels of hierarchy in the subtitles of article: one in lowercase bold and the other in italics (not bold); it is advisable not to number them.

 Quotation marks should be used only for textual citations, of less than 40 words (APA Standard, Seventh Edition, 2019). If you want to highlight a word or phrase, use bold. For anglicisms or words in a language other than the original language in which the article is written, use italics.

 Regarding acronyms, the full equivalence of those used in the text, in the bibliography, in the tables and figures, must be provided -at least the first time.

 The points of view addressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy, appropriateness and origin of the bibliographic citations, photos, tables, graphs, and verbatim citations, are the sole responsibility of their authors. In the case of including material from other sources, you must indicate the author's authorization.

 Presentation and extension of CASE ANALYSIS

The texts must be presented in letter size, single spaced, in Garamond or Arial type 10 font size points, with a maximum length of 4,000 words and follow the structure:

  • Title (Spanish, English and Portuguese).
  • Abstract (Spanish, English and Portuguese).
  • Description of the public or social problem
  • Description of the intervention
  • Analysis
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • Financing (if applicable)

 The points of view addressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy, appropriateness and origin of the bibliographic citations, photos, tables, graphs, and verbatim citations, are the sole responsibility of their authors. In the case of including material from other sources, you must indicate the author's authorization.



The texts must be presented in letter size, single spaced, in Garamond or Arial type 10 font size points, with a maximum length of 700 words and follow the structure:

  1. Cover image (included in the text and attached in the shipment separately in JPG format)
  2. Review Author
  3. Review:

3.1. Author / Director of the source reviewed; Year; editorial; city.

3.2 Abstract of maximum 200 words and 3 keywords (all in Spanish, English and Portuguese).

3.3 Explicit presentation of the topic and / or problem to be developed in the body of the text, considering at least one introduction and one closing as a conclusion to the content. APA system reference (Seventh Edition, 2019).


Apart from the text, there will only be tables and figures. These will be strictly necessary and should be self-explanatory (without having to refer to the text for understanding), not include abbreviations, indicate the units of measurement, and contain all the footnotes and the corresponding full sources.

Regarding the tables, each one must be headed with its correlative numbering and with Arabic figures, and, on the next line, the title, both in lower case. At the end, the Source of the information or table will be indicated; if it is own it will indicate: Own elaboration. The title and Source will be located outside the main box. Its format should be as Table (in Word). They should always be explicitly alluded to in the text (Table 7).

Figures, diagrams, maps and photographs are included with the naming of figures. Each figure must be headed with its correlative numbering and Arabic numerals, and, on the next line, the title, both in lowercase. At the end, the Source of the information will be indicated; if the photograph is your own, it must be indicated. The title and Source will be located outside the main box. Its format must be JPG, in black and white or in shades of gray, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI. They will be numbered consecutively with Arabic figures. They should be explicitly alluded to in the text (Figure 5).

Tables and figures should be incorporated into the text of the article where their contents are used; they cannot exceed the maximum number of 6. Images must be submitted in a separate file.


The notes must be the essential ones and will be placed at the end of each page. Footnotes with bibliographic references will not be included. For references within the text, the APA standards (American Psychological Association), Seventh Edition, 2019 will be used, that is: author's last name, year and page, written in parentheses: (Christoff, 1996, p. 21). The complete reference must appear in the bibliography.


Bibliographic references should not be unnecessarily extended (the one strictly cited in the text), and should appear complete at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically and, for each author, in chronological order, from oldest to most recent.

Bibliographic references will be made according to APA standards (Seventh Edition, 2019), using a bibliographic manager as a preference (Example: Mendeley, EndNote). Here are some examples of references, depending on the type of publication:

Printed book

Lastname, N. (year). Document title. Editorial.

Herrera Cáceres, C. y Rosillo Peña, M. (2019). Confort y eficiencia energética en el diseño de edificaciones. Universidad del Valle.

Online book

Lastname, N. and Lastname, N. (year). Book title. Editorial. DOI or URL

Book with editor

Lastname, N. (Ed.). (year). Book title. Editorial.

Chapter of the book

Lastname, N. and Lastname, N. (year). Chapter title. In N. Lastname (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

Lastname, N. and Lastname, N. (year). Chapter title. In N. Lastname and B. Lastname (Eds.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

Lastname, N. and Lastname, N. (year). Chapter title. In N. Lastname (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

Book available only in electronic format

Panza, M. (2019). Números: elementos de matemáticas para filósofos. Universidad Del Valle.

Thesis or monograph

Manrique Gómez, A. S. (2013). Gentrificación de La Candelaria (Bogotá D.C). Agentes y estrategias intervinientes [Monografía].

Journal (paper)

Castañeda Naranjo, L. A. y Palacios Neri, J. (2015). Nanotecnología: fuente de nuevos paradigmas. Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria en Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, 7(12), 45-49.

Article in a newspaper

Carreño, L. (9 de febrero de 2020). La disputa gremial por los aranceles a las prendas de vestir. El Espectador.

Thesis or dissertations

Martínez Ribón, J. G. T. (2011). Propuesta de metodología para la implementación de la filosofía Lean (construcción esbelta) en proyectos de construcción [Tesis de Maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia].

Web Page

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura. (1 de octubre de 2018). Nuevos datos revelan que en el mundo uno de cada tres adolescentes sufre acoso escolar.


Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (2020). La dinámica de la urbanización de África 2020: Áfricapolis, mapeando una nueva geografía urbana. Estudios de África occidental, Editorial OECD,

Seminars, Congresses, Symposia or Conferences

Sánchez, C., Ayala, D. y Bocarosa, E. (17-29 de noviembre de 2018). La biodiversidad y la supervivencia humana en la tierra [Discurso principal]. Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas, Sharm, El-Sheikh, Egipto.

Articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions will be considered by the Editorial Team to send them, in the first instance, to the Director of the journal. Articles that do not conform to these norms or thematic areas of the journal will be returned to their authors. The Revista de Trabajo Social reserves the right to make the editorial changes it deems appropriate.